Private House, Ballygawley

This is the home of Paul Hamill, one of the Directors at McH Architects. The house is located inside the village limits on a steeply sloping site which necessitated access to be at first floor level. To avoid the need for large retaining walls and to keep the plan as a simple rectangle, the house is entered by a bridge. The entrance is on the north side and small windows are used here for both privacy and conservation of energy.

Although situated in a housing development, the house is very private. The main windows have a southerly aspect which affords the best views and use of passive solar energy. The roof is of standing seam aluminium installed at a pitch of 12º which helps the house sit comfortably in its site. The rafter tails which can be seen underneath the roof are structural and are visible on the inside of the house. All windows are powder coated aluminium – doors and balcony railings are varnished emeri.



Partner: Paul Hamill RIBA<br>

